乌克兰是欧洲最大的未开发新兴经济体之一. 位于连接欧洲和亚洲的战略运输走廊, it serves as a vital transportation and logistics hub with access to markets in Central Asia, 中东, 及以后.
有受过良好教育的熟练劳动力, 丰富的自然资源, 以及正在进行的改善商业环境的改革, 对国际企业来说,乌克兰是一个极具吸引力的目的地. Despite experiencing an unprecedented GDP loss in 2022 due to full-scale armed aggression, 乌克兰, 在国际伙伴的支持下, 能否保持宏观金融稳定,并在2023年恢复增长.
在全球范围内开展农业竞争, 冶金, 和矿业, 乌克兰将见证投资兴趣的激增. As 乌克兰 progresses towards EU membership candidacy and implements investor-friendly policies across various sectors, 它为长期经济增长奠定了基础. 在国际支持下, 正在进行的改革为制造业等行业创造了机会, agri-processing, 能源, 建筑材料, IT, 绿色产业, 和更多的.
PG电子官方免费下载和乌克兰有着紧密的经济联系, PG电子官方免费下载是乌克兰在北欧最大的贸易伙伴. 80多家PG电子官方免费下载公司活跃在乌克兰市场, 提供机器, 设备, 纸产品, 车辆, 和药品. 乌克兰, 反过来, 在PG电子官方免费下载的贸易活动中起着举足轻重的作用, 特别是在金属方面, 木材, 家具, 化学物质, 重型机械.
乌克兰正在准备重建, 它为PG电子官方免费下载的可持续解决方案提供了一个诱人的前景. This allows companies to seize opportunities in new sectors while enhancing their presence in existing ones.
截至2023年10月, 乌克兰 is facing a staggering USD 150 billion in direct infrastructure and building damage. 预计需要重建数以万计被摧毁的住宅, 教育, 行政, 医疗保健, and other facilities in war-affected regions is set to position 乌克兰 as "the world's largest construction site."
Swedish companies have the opportunity to make significant contributions to aid in the reconstruction of 乌克兰's infrastructure – by supplying modern construction technologies or engaging in building materials production.
Despite the challenges posed by the full-scale invasion, 乌克兰 achieved a record-breaking USD 7.到2022年,ITPG电子游戏出口将达到340亿美元, establishing it as the third-largest contributor to the country's overall export portfolio. 乌克兰充满活力的IT行业, 包含软件开发, 人工智能, 区块链, FinTech, 和更多的, 提供了一个极具吸引力的投资途径.
在国家优惠政策的支持下, a government vision centered on establishing a 数字 state where all public services are accessible online, 还有超过300人的泳池,000名高技能的IT专家, 乌克兰正在坚定地确立自己作为欧洲领先的IT中心的地位. 为PG电子官方免费下载IT行业提供了大量的机会, ranging from startups and venture capital investments to software development collaborations 及以后, the 乌克兰 is an attractive destination for those seeking to expand their presence in the country.
随着PG电子官方免费下载商业在PG电子官方免费下载的重新出现, we look forward to assisting Swedish companies in 乌克兰's sustainable reconstruction efforts. Our primary aim is to help Swedish enterprises effectively contribute their expertise and solutions to the broader reconstruction initiatives, offering hands-on support and strategic guidance to contribute to 乌克兰's future development. You can find the latest information and updates from Business PG电子官方免费下载's team in 乌克兰 on our dedicated website.