以便更好地了解停电的影响, 受影响企业从有关部门获得了哪些信息, the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in 中国 and Business PG电子官方免费下载 have carried out a survey among Swedish companies operating in the market. To understand supply chain impact as well as what plans are put in place to mitigate similar situations in the future, 这项调查不仅涵盖了在受影响省份开展业务的公司, 而且在这个国家的其他地方也有.


PG电子官方免费下载企业明显感受到了停电的影响. 在92名受访者中, 55% state that either their own 操作 or the activities of their business partners are impacted by the electricity outages. 39%的企业自身运营受到影响,尤其是在生产线上. 在价值链的其他部分也存在一些短缺, 比如仓储, 以及在行政办公活动中, 比如,在没有空调的地方,人们很难进行正常的工作. 尤其是大公司受到的打击最大, 55%的大型企业, 定义为在全球拥有超过1000名员工, 响应自己的业务受到影响.

初步迹象显示,停电只是一个短期问题, 预计将在十月假期后恢复, 都被证明是错的. Only 11% of the impacted companies have gotten their electricity back to normal levels by the time this survey was carried out, and among the remaining part who still experience outages only half of them have received information about the expected frequency and length of the power cuts.

43%的受访者的商业伙伴受到影响, 就像公司自身运营的情况一样, 截至调查时,只有10%的企业恢复了正常运营. The uncertainty in supply chains has forced some Swedish companies to start looking for alternative solutions, 但很少有受访者能够确定可行的选择. 因此, 60% of the companies with impacted partners conclude that there are no other alternatives but to wait for their partners to resume 操作.

就受影响的业务的地理位置而言, a majority of the Swedish companies who are directly hit by the shortages are located in Jiangsu province, 而供应链合作伙伴在浙江也面临着挑战, 广东, 山东和安徽.




Despite indications during 2021 that energy consumption would need to be reduced – with a number of provinces failing to reach their reduction targets and with increasing coal prices rendering power production a loss-making business – the sudden power cuts came as a surprise to most companies and was preceded by very limited information. 只有40%的受影响公司提前一天以上收到了信息, 只有不到8%的人幸运地在降息前一周多得到了简报. It goes without saying that it was impossible for most companies to react before the power was turned off.



宕机期间的信息共享有所改进, with 68% of the impacted companies having managed to receive updates on the situation from relevant authorities. 然而, only half of those companies receive information proactively – the other half states that they have to reach out to authorities in order to obtain updates.

It is highly concerning that almost one third of the companies have not yet managed to obtain the needed information. 在几家公司的评论中,这也是一个呼吁.e. 信息不足会对减排目标产生反作用, 在哪些方面,通过积极的计划和沟通可以取得很多成果.

临时的计划外停工需要得到补偿, and 62% of the impacted companies state that they will need to increase their 操作 in the affected sites once the provision of electricity has returned to normal. 这给电网带来了额外的压力, 特别是现在冬天快到了,供暖也需要能源. 从环境的角度来看,这种情况既不是最理想的.


电力问题的严重性正变得越来越清晰, and several companies are already estimating a production loss in 2021 as a result of the shortages. 45% of the impacted companies estimate the impact to be more than 10% of the annual production, 在很多情况下是超过一个月的产出.


除此之外,9月份的停电对大多数公司来说仍然存在, 很少有人认为这种短缺是一次性的. 几乎一半的受访者预测,定量配给将时断时续, 28%的人认为,冬季的短缺将更加严重.

这个预测的长期影响, 以及过度的不确定性, 这不仅对中国正在进行的活动构成了挑战, 但也有影响公司进入和扩张决策的风险. 44% of the companies expect an outcome of the power shortages to be increased energy prices within their industry, which is now already happening through a gradual implementation of market-based pricing by the authorities.


调查清楚地表明,权力挑战是真实存在的. 尽管在过去的几周里,我们已经分享了一些轶事, it is important to get the facts on the table and understand the magnitude of the shortages.

The high response ratio in a very short time frame moreover highlights that this topic is top of mind for many Swedish companies in 中国. While companies understand that the way power is generated and consumed needs to transform in order to meet the ambitious climate targets of 中国 and the World, 在如何管理停电方面存在明显的担忧.

There is therefore a need for increased collaboration across industries and authorities to be able to find a sustainable way of managing the power challenge moving forward. 在这个, 更好的计划和积极的沟通将使所有利益相关者受益, and allow business leaders and authorities to jointly work towards a carbon neutral society.